@michaelCentrone and @Jessicawildfire, I don't agree to the use of "cult," in describing the two parties. Yes, there are Sheeple who buy 100 percent of the nonsense on CNN or MSDNC, and Fox News Channel on the other side. But I also submit that many who refrain from entering the conversations Jessica advances here, I'm trying to do via my. Disquisition commentary here and on Substack, generates interesting comments.
I cannot say anything I like about the Biden-Harris White House. That doesn't make me a GOP activist with the ability to hear out of only my right ear.
There is corruption to the Nth degree in Washington, D.C. When ever I've been there for business over the last 30 years, after a day, my mind begins repeating "Get me out of this damn town!"
I do not always support the actions of McConnell, et al.
What we all need to do is find the common ground you mention Micheal. Until we do, things will only erode further.