Ha! Shirt-Eating/Insurrection/Black Flag Day, as it should be deemed, is earlier in January, 2025. That is when the Congrefs shall meet once again to affirm or put aside the choices of the Electoral College. I offer upon the Medium alter my humbled apologies for my turrets-like contribution from yesterday. Please forgive my errant missive. I will take my meds today, all of them, and on time. I learned when I was 21 that when dancing with the Devil in the mire of satire, it is best to say so, otherwise peeps get the wrong idea. And see, that was 34 years ago, before pronouns, Orwelian thought-police, and the whack Left. Is this enough of a mea culpa? I did not realize you are channeling Jonathon Swift and full of such frequent "modest proposals."