From the Santa Monica Mirror: "Marston said her resignation would take effect on May 27. Her current salary is $243,296." (
That right there is a shadow monster. Two-hundred-forty-three-thousand dollars? I know the cost of living in LA is expensive, but day-am.
Seems a bit much for dealing with people on the streets making less than $33K. Is there a sentence Sam Catanzaro missed that says you plugged any of that back into the system to help the people needing mere dollars?
Heidi, you had me until your mention of "systemic racism."
Poverty in America is indiscriminate. Conditions will worse as a recession looms on the horizon, inflation rises, and the lunatic asylum in Sacramento continues to provide tax dollars to non-citizens, aka illegal aliens, with frivolity.
@PaulKlees thanks for adding the balance here. Really changed my perspective after I read all the way through and saw your commentary.