@cincoLunas, I am not about to unfollow @ZulieRane over this post. She has made it clear over time that for political ideology; we are not very close in agreement.
That said, canceling Z is paramount to the very problem on Twitter. One-side opposition views are silenced, shadow banned, and attacked by rapid hounds of the woke who do not understand that thinking, particularly here in America, there are two sides to every argument.
In my own posts here and in my Disquisitions.substact.com newsletters, I encourage others to subscribe and engage in conversations about ways to make life on this planet better.
Z has her right to her own perspectives. As most of the commenters here have noted, they are in disagreement with this point.
We must not attack her with petty actions that are like what is standard fare on Twitter.
If we do that, we’re just like this rant.
I love reading, watching, and communicating with Zulie. She’s a smart young woman whose heart I would have chased at that age.
She expressed her opinions. We can either agree with them or disagree. There once was a fourth estate in the United States. The MSM. Reporters learned to be objective in their writings.
We don’t have this any longer. Blues watch CNN, MSDNC, and read the WaPo and NY Times. Reds are into the Fox News Channel, etc. Both sides skew the news. CNN, WaPo, NYT, all cater to the woke, left-leaning, progressives. Outlets like FN Channel and smaller, independent news orgs are favorable to conservative thinking.
It’s sad.
Who hurts the most from this is the citizenry of our nation, and in other countries around the world. But the best thing of all, is Z is free to voice her opinion here.
We can like it, disagree with it, or stop subscribing. I will not be doing the latter to Zulie.
She’s exercising her right to express her viewpoints. And isn’t that the best thing ever about living here in America?!