
Aye, an interesting proposition. But there are tenets that would keep this from happening as you suggest. 1) There's always a bigger fish. 2) Absolute power corrupts absolutely. 3) The USAF's Strategic Air Command's motto was "Peace is our profession." A friend of mine in 1980 developed a corollary: "And war is how we keep it." 4) @ДимитърБойн is right. 5) @GlennMelcher is on point, too. The severing that seems imminent shall be brutal. The result likely will make Gingus Khan, Napoleon, Mao Zedong, Chiang Kai-Shek, King Leopold II, Mussolini, Idi Amin, Stalin, even Hitler look like choir boys. 6) Chinese aggression and global domination goals will have something to say about all of this and in a way that doesn't worry about corporations, because they already control the product pipeline of the world. Not to mention their accumulated and controlled financial interests. 7) Cain and Abel. 8) Joseph and his brothers. 9) Jesus's rivaled apostles. 10) Overstimulated Artificial Intelligence.

I read your piece yesterday about a corporation putting a person in jail. Hard to believe. Maybe G. Orwell was a time traveler. His timeline is a little off, but not by too much.

And then as followers of Christ, the Bible says how all this ends. Because it says the final outcome is that God wins. Not we mere mortals....



Donald J. Claxton - The Timberlander
Donald J. Claxton - The Timberlander

Written by Donald J. Claxton - The Timberlander

Donald J. Claxton is The Timberlander, focused on off-grid living, woodworking, basswood carving, and pallet wood rustic modern projects.

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