Alex, Mark, and Theo, your perspectives each are wise and present challenges to consider.
I agree, it is idiotic that Germany has done away with a variety of energy supplies, save for an over-dependence on Russian natural gas. Geez. Who could have seen a problem like the one they have coming?
What's discouraging is the blinder-wearing leaders here in the US who are hell bent on doing the same thing. Biden's failure to green-tag oil drilling in the US and keep us energy dependent is foolish at best.
As I made mention in a comment above, Aldous Huxley made similar predictions to those of Alex in a 1958 book entitled, "Brave New World Revisited."
Many of his assumptions track along those of Alex's without the use of modeling. He makes assumptions about the human condition. Scientific? Not necessarily. Still accurate? Yes.
Some of it is common sense.
The Left has gone overboard over climate change. It should be noted they've stopped calling it "Global Warming," because science showed that wasn't happening.
Also, basing public policy on the words of a 16-y-o girl defies logic; unless she's a Mensa kid or has an IQ surpassing Einstein's.
And even he admitted he was wrong at times.
In another post I read before this one, Jared Brock says that 30 million people own Blackrock, Vanguard, and the other biggie. (It's too late in the evening to recall the name.)
These equity funds are doing more and more to gobble up ownership of everything on the planet. And as Huxley points out, the more people on the planet, the less any government can fairly represent them.
My political science studies in college, and subsequent work for two governors, the 12th largest school district in the nation, as well as one of the three prime PR firms to promote corporate benevolence programs for ExxonMobil, reminds me of the idiom that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I'm more concerned with what Blackrock, the World Economic Forum, et al. are up to than the predictions of any model.
Yes, Mark, I agree, there seems to be far too many variables to rely on the validity of any prediction model.
And yes, Theo, your assumptions have validity, as well.
But time has provided example after example of man's quest to dominate his brother. I shake my head when any US president gets to talking about bringing peace to the Middle East.
Those foke have been fighting since the beginning of recorded time, and frankly, they're not ever going to have peace.
Humans have certain natures. We will likely never know, but I have a gut feeling, discussions like this one will still be going on in 50, 100, and 1,000 years.